
Running Chicken IC2944


The Bad news is my focuser they could not fix, they could not undo the screws. The interesting part is I was able to undo them all myself. So I have to be content for a while with no focuser.

This is the a very large Nebula that is quite prominent in the Milky way. For the very first time I was able to see the planetary nebula just out to the right.


Shows up better in this shot the very small blue dot what is a planetary nebula Helix is another example of one..

Helix Nebula NGC 7293

My shot is with the nikon lens and I am still staggered the amount of detail in the shot.

Running Chicken IC2944

this is a a 900 mm shot of the center.

QHY183C -10 150 shots over 5 nights
600 sec each shot.
Nikon 300mm f4 D Lens
Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned
Guided PHD2, Nina
Pixinsight, Ps Lr.
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Don Sutherland said:

Stunning series.
3 months ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to Don Sutherland:

Thank you good to see what is above us as well.
3 months ago

Mariagrazia Gaggero said:

3 months ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton said:

In part why I went down this line as well , many thanks.
3 months ago

tiabunna said:

Marvellous images, Steve, though my imagination still lets me down re matching the name. :-)
3 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to tiabunna:

You and me both cant see it even being told its the stars that are at the center of the big nebula


Still does not look like no chicken. Many thanks a great old lens well worth the small cost many years ago.
3 months ago

Diana Australis said:

Extraordinary photography as usual, Steve. Amazing.
Keep well over there in the far West. Cheers, Diana
3 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to Diana Australis:

Thank You Diana we are starting cloudy nights but cooler nights. it great out there in space things we just cant comprehend. Sadly I am chained with no focuser so cant run the big telescope so I am running smaller gear so its a case of target's that you will have seen before.
3 months ago

Gudrun said:

Fantastic! The first PiP looks like an eye:-)
3 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to Gudrun:

Both are very interesting alright,
3 months ago