
28 Having plenty - Clara none

My wife came in come look at the stealers in the tree. There are three huge trees in our yard but no fruit ripe to pick but the 28 is having a field day quite happy low down to let me take the photo.

Wife is not happy.

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Erika+Manfred said:

Oh, when there's a whole flock in the tree it can get very loud. We experienced it at an RV park, but all of a sudden it was quiet, everyone was sleeping/resting.
4 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to Erika+Manfred:

I believe its only the one, the same one I saw last year but no longer a juvenile or it is indeed a male fully matured..
4 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Magnifique et excellemment prise.
Bonne et agréable journée.
4 months ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to Malik Raoulda:

Its nice to have then so close many thanks
4 months ago

tiabunna said:

When there's food around, parrots don't always care if it's ripe. :-)
4 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to tiabunna:

This one is eating both ripe and green and Clara is worried none will be left for her.
4 months ago

Nick Weall said:

Barnardius zonarius is the full name apparently , I had never heard of a 28 until now, a noisy little bird it seems Steve. We find the paraquets noisy over here I wonder how they compare decibel wise ~~
4 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to Nick Weall:

The 28 is almost the cry they make as they fly away but this bird is very quiet only thing that gave it away is the parts of the fruit that fall on the carpet of dry leaves below. 28 is not a small bird it is quite a large bird. I have added a link for some extra info.
4 months ago

Don Sutherland said:

Wonderful photo.
4 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to Don Sutherland:

They are quite a bird when you see them up close.
4 months ago

Peter Castell said:

What ever you grow there is always something trying to eat it before you have a chance
4 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to Peter Castell:

I not a fan of Guavas but Clara and her family love them we would have got off the tree close to 200kg of fruit so i think there will be plenty for all.
4 months ago

William Sutherland said:

Great catch!
4 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to William Sutherland:

Thank you, made easier by the fact the fruit tastes good.
4 months ago

TOZ said:

A great catch Steve
All the best TOZ
4 months ago