Has Anybody Read The Help Forum Over On Fl*ckr Lately?
It makes me sorely glad to be here on Ipernity where that kind of crap doesn't exist.


Frank J Casella said:

Haven't been there in a while, and try to stay away from it. You are correct, they do it right here on ipernity. No need for a help forum, it is very time consuming just to keep order alone. If you compare it with the Community Board on FineArtAmerica you will see order and peace … yeah some things get testy but they have really good moderators. The mods on Flickr only think they are.
5 years ago

Guido Werner replied to Frank J Casella:

Frank, I have to disappoint you a little bit. There IS a help forum on ipernity that we have reactivated some weeks ago:


But it is really thought for helping users who have specific questions regarding the use of ipernity. For structured and indepth discussions about tricky user problems a dedicated group probably is more suitable than discussions below a Newsflash. On the other hand this help forum is not intended for general discussions about the future of ipernity.

Ipernity is much smaller than Flickr and the IMA-team has a close look on the help forum. Therefore I am quite confident that it will not get out of control as happens so often on Flickr. But if you have thoughts how it can be improved you are welcome to share your thoughts.

I hope that the existence of this help forum doesn't scare you. :-))
5 years ago