Returning to Action!
Hello friends,

It has been a long time since I last participated in any activity on ipernity. I guess the move I made to Florida was more tiring than I thought it would be. We are for the most part settled in our new home, but my routine has been so disrupted that I don't even take photos like I used to. I do plan to get back to my camera soon, though!

I will post some photos in my stream that I took during the past year. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope to participate regularly again very soon. I have missed you all very much!


Gracie said:

A move like that takes a lot out of you. Its very understandable things would be difficult for a while
23 months ago

Amelia said:

It will be nice to see you back here, Val,
23 months ago

HaarFager said:

I hope you enjoy your new home and the area it's in! Be well.
23 months ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

I'm not at all surprised that you're exhausted - a move like that really does take the stuffing out of you. I really look forward to seeing your pictures of your new home and the area around you. Take care and rest if you can.
23 months ago

Peggy C said:

Any place there is a lake -- there are photos to be taken. Lived in Florida --- never went out without my camera, because if I did -- drat, there was a photo op!

Looking forward to Florida through your eyes!
23 months ago

Gillian Everett said:

That's great news, Val. Glad to see you back :-)
23 months ago

LutzP said:

Welcome back, Val, good to read you here again!
23 months ago

Valfal said:

Thank you so much for the welcome back, friends! I have missed you all! Now to go out and take pictures! :-)
23 months ago