It´s so nice when I see this smiling face every time I open my "What´s new" - page. :-) Just lovely.
Please consider not to upload any new photo so it will stay there forever. ;-) Or, well, OK, I´ll add it to my favs instead so if I was grumpy I know who can bring me my smiling face back.
Janet Brien said:
Christophe Ruelle replied to Janet Brien:
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… said:
Please consider not to upload any new photo so it will stay there forever. ;-) Or, well, OK, I´ll add it to my favs instead so if I was grumpy I know who can bring me my smiling face back.
Christophe Ruelle replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°…:
Sajak said: