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Malik Raoulda said:

IMPECCABLE et excellemment partagée.
15 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

15 months ago ( translate )

Thomas Schillinger said:

Merci beaucoup :-)
15 months ago ( translate )

HelenaPF en longue p… said:

Welcome here to Ipernity, Thomas . Thanks for your visit on my pages

J'ai hâte de voir plus de photos. A très bientôt, have a good night and an excellent Sunday.
15 months ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Wonderful floral close-up.
15 months ago ( translate )

@ngélique ❤️ said:

magnifique photo ***************
15 months ago ( translate )

Old Owl said:

Superb composition. What elevates this for me is the fallen crocus petals and the faint yellow flower in the background. The sharpness of the foreground is impeccable. Well done and thank you for showing it to us.
15 months ago

M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… said:

WOW this is so beautifull ****************************
14 months ago

Amelia said:

A photo of immense subtlety.
13 months ago