
Who says the suburbs are dull?

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Naturist said:

Man muss nur Ideen haben,
dann bringt man Schwung hinein...
13 months ago ( translate )

John FitzGerald said:

Richaed Hamilton lived here:
Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?
13 months ago

Sarah P. replied to John FitzGerald:

tsk, tsk ....
13 months ago

Richard Nuttall said:

Awesome- Roxy music vibes here!
13 months ago ( translate )

Sarah P. replied to Richard Nuttall:

13 months ago ( translate )

Gudrun said:

13 months ago ( translate )

HaarFager said:

Quirky, but good! My neighborhood is kind of like that, too, only everybody has arms.
10 months ago

polytropos said:

6 months ago ( translate )