
At sunset in Darwin

Der März gilt nicht als die beste Reisezeit (= Regenzeit) für Darwin in Australiens Northern Territory, aber wir hatten sehr viel Glück: Tagsüber herrschte das beste Wetter, und jeden Abend wurden wir auf unserem Hotelbalkon mit fantastischen Sonnenuntergängen belohnt. Die abendlichen Gewitter über dem Beagle Gulf waren dramatisch anzusehen, blieben aber zum Glück über dem Meer.

March isn't supposed to be one of the best months to travel to Darwin, but we were quite lucky: During the day we had the best weather and were additionally rewarded with the most gorgeous sunsets from our hotel balcony each evening. The evening thunderstorms above Beagle Gulf looked quite dramatic, but fortunately stayed on the sea.
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Keith Burton said:

A wonderful series of Darwin sunset images Karin..........all breathtakingly beautiful and well captured, but this one is definitely my fave. I really love the sky with it's combination of black, blue and red colours - it's extraordinarily dramatic.

Excellent work!
4 years ago

Special K replied to Keith Burton:

Yes Keith, the way the setting sun was illuminating the edge of the big cloud in fiery red was really breathtaking and is my favourite of the sunset pictures, too. I’ve never seen something like this before and really enjoyed the evenings on the small hotel balcony. There was also some thunder and lightning, but unfortunately I wasn‘t able to capture any thunderbolts.
4 years ago

Ulrich Dinges said:

3 years ago ( translate )