Time for the Red Flames somewhere along the way
All birds are descended from dinosaurs, but the chicken is genetically the most similar to a dinosaur.
Anyone who has seen the film 'Jurassic Park' would not indicate the terrifying creatures, but of the animals still living, Tyrannosaurus rex is genetically closest to chickens and ostriches.
It was previously known that birds descended from dinosaurs but bone research now shows that chickens and ostriches are more similar to the extinct giants than reptiles such as crocodiles and lizards.
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Taken on Tuesday July 7, 2020
Posted on Monday July 13, 2020
- 145 visits
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Peter Castell said:
Fred Fouarge said:
Jeff Farley said:
Stay safe and thankyou for posting to FFF.
Karen's Place said:
Roger (Grisly) said: