
Down Our Street.

This is the view along our street from our letterbox.

World Photography day.
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Old Owl said:

A grand picture for WP Day, Eunice. Showing others what we see daily is, I think, an important part of photography. Your street is rather like my street and thus we have a greater connection, even if it is virtual rather than physical. Have a great day.
4 weeks ago

Günter Klaus said:

Das hast du mit der tieferen Perspektive sehr schön fotografiert liebe Eunice :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Wochenstart,liebe Grüße Güni :))
4 weeks ago ( translate )

GrahamH said:

Good WPD image Eunice.
4 weeks ago ( translate )

tiabunna said:

A great perspective down your street and very suitable for World Photography Day.
4 weeks ago

Keith Burton said:

Your street is very clean and well kept Eunice and it looks like a lovely place to live. A splendid photo for World Photography Day..!!
4 weeks ago

Peter Castell said:

A very nice and tidy street most English councils no longer deal with weeds growing in the gutters or grass growing over the pavement
4 weeks ago

Steve Paxton said:

Very much as I remember NZ nice to see that it still matches my memory.
4 weeks ago

William Sutherland said:

Superb shot! Happy World Photography Day!
4 weeks ago

Gillian Everett said:

Looks a fine neighbourhood
4 weeks ago

Erika+Manfred said:

It seems to have rained recently
Belated happy World Photograpf day
4 weeks ago

Erika+Manfred said:

It seems to have rained recently
Belated happy World Photograph day
4 weeks ago

Christa1004 said:

I tlooks like a quiet neighborhood, Eunice, and no cars in sight. Happy WPD.
4 weeks ago

Peter_Private_Box said:

Hi Eunice
I like this picture very much!
It is a very different and exciting composition
Fantastic colours too
Best Wishes, HWPD,, and stay safe!!
4 weeks ago

raingirl said:

Great receding line in this photo. Your street looks much like many around my city (weather included) - but when you said 'letterbox' I knew you weren't from the states.

I love getting to see where people are on our celebration day. Looks like a good place to take a walk. Do you walk around your neighborhood often to photograph?
4 weeks ago

GrahamH said:

A second comment. This captures something of NZ because it got me thinking about our only visit there back in 1978, the bright clear light, the recent rain and grey clouds...
4 weeks ago