
The Aptly Named Oak Terrace School, 1935, Highwood, Illinois

My school for 6th grade and half of 7th grade, before the new junior high school was completed. It was old but adequate. It was also the site of my last fistfight, actually more of a shoving fight. I don't recall that any actual punches were attempted. Submitted to the Vintage Photos Theme Park for the theme, A SCHOOL, LIBRARY, OR ANY KIND OF EDUCATIONAL BUILDING
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Deborah Lundbech said:

And...do you remember the cause of the fight? General boy stuff?
I'm betting this old school had far more character than anything built in the '60s!
18 months ago

RicksPics said:

I don't remember what provoked the event. No doubt it was something trivial. It was fun to go to an old school building with enormous windows designed for ventilation as well as illumination. And each classroom had a "cloakroom" to store coats and boots. There were no lockers. It had a large central indoor court with a small stage on one end for assemblies. That space was also used for weekly extra-curricular ballroom dance lessons in the Spring, where I was taught the fox trot, waltz, cha-cha, and jitterbug. What I remember most about the lessons is that many of the girls were taller than I was, which caused some awkward moments. I'm still in touch with a couple of those girls and we have laughed a lot over our dance lesson memories.
18 months ago

Deborah Lundbech said:

Thanks for the stories, Rick. Sweet memories!
18 months ago