

Otherwise known as Llanfairpwll railway station on Angelsey, which has the longest main-line station name in Britain.

A scan from an Agfa slide. Explored!

HFF to the peeps!
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Pam J said:

I was 7 years old when I stood in that same spot !

“Saint Mary’s Church in the hollow of the white hazel near the rapid whirlpool and the Church of Saint Tysilio of the red cave”.
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Pam J:

And you survived it well, Pam. That must have been around the time you took a liking to tall hats, although yours have a point at the top ;-)
8 years ago

Tanja - Loughcrew said:

;)))))))))))))))))....it´s famous! HFF Neil!
8 years ago ( translate )

Polyrus replied to Tanja - Loughcrew:

Thank you, Tanja. Yes, the contrived name became a commercial success.

HFF to you too.
8 years ago

Erhard Bernstein said:

8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Erhard Bernstein:

And the same to you, Erhard. HFF!
8 years ago

Gudrun said:

Haha- I remember that one! We got out there once and the time until the next train got very long... People in Cymru generally were very nice to us when they realized we could pronounce "ch";-) HFF, Neil!
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Gudrun:

Some parts of Wales have a reputation for being antagonistic towards visitors, but I think that is linked to places which have so-called holiday homes that are unoccupied for much of the year.
In my experience I have found Welsh villagers to be friendly, helpful and hospitable.

HFF to you too, Gudrun.
8 years ago

tiabunna said:

I'veheardofthisonebeforewelltakenimageNeil.:-) HFFtoo.
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to tiabunna:

Thank you, George. Very clever by you!
I can't recall seeing a sentence with no breaks between the words before ;-)

HFF and the best of weekends to you.
8 years ago

Cheryl Beal said:

Pfttttt.....easy for you to say!!! HFF Neil, keep warm and have a fab weekend!
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Cheryl Beal:

I need to borrow a few teeth before I can stand a chance of saying any of it ;-)

HFF and enjoy Friday 13th
8 years ago

Ulrich John said:

Wow ! What a name ! HFF and a very nice weekend ! After the storm...
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Ulrich John:

Thank you, Ulrich. Here it is currently alternating between bright sun and gentle snow!

HFF and the best of weekends to you.
8 years ago

Erika Akire said:

...LOL...it's the longest word of the world it seems...HFF...
8 years ago