
London Gateway

....a relatively new container port on the north bank of the River Thames in east Thurrock, Essex ~ some 30 miles from the centre of London. It completed its first full year of use in 2014.
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William Sutherland said:

Awesome shot!

Admired in:
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to William Sutherland:

Thank you, William.
8 years ago ( translate )

Pam J said:

New ? I guess that a relative word.. I remember it with the Shell oil tankers 50 years ago.. but it has been enlarged
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Pam J:

And the Shell refinery built during WW1 and all the oil pipework have been long gone.
According to Wiki the area is historically known as Shellhaven and "the first edition Ordnance Survey map of the early 19th century shows Oil Mill Farm a mile or so up Shell Haven Creek". There are many relatives associated with the site ;-)
8 years ago

Pam J replied to Polyrus:

That is why I did know it... family friend was a supervisor and early tech at Shellhaven... time passes... seems like yesterday....
8 years ago

HappySnapper said:

My! how it's all changed down there.
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to HappySnapper:

Being on your doorstep (almost), I would have thought you'd have noticed by now ;-)
8 years ago

Keith Burton said:

A really sharp and clean image Neil.............I love all the lines and angles and I can see what Jean means about table and chairs. The cranes are quite elegant looking from a distance.
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Keith Burton:

Thank you, Keith. I thought that the cranes made super silhouettes against the lighter sky and many of my fellow passengers were oohing and aahing as we passed them.
8 years ago

Jeff Farley said:

This is a great shot Neil.
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Jeff Farley:

Thanks a lot for that, Jeff.
8 years ago

Gudrun said:

I admit to a certain weakness for cranes, big container ships are also interesting to see.!
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Gudrun:

I'm wondering which of the two you would prefer for a Christmas present, Gudrun ;-)
8 years ago

tiabunna said:

I have to be impressed by the scale of the cranes!
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to tiabunna:

I was too, George. They make the ships appear small. Thanks for your input.
8 years ago