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Madeleine Defawes said:
PascalL replied to Madeleine Defawes:
ROL/Photo said:
PascalL replied to ROL/Photo:
Joe, Son of the Rock said:
PascalL replied to Joe, Son of the Rock:
Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:
PascalL replied to Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨*:
Dominique 60 said:
PascalL replied to Dominique 60:
Léopold said:
William Sutherland said:
PascalL replied to William Sutherland:
Krisonteme said:
PascalL replied to Krisonteme:
Madeleine Defawes said:
Bon dimanche. Amitiés
PascalL replied to Madeleine Defawes:
ROL/Photo said:
comme tu dis
une pure Merveille,
merci pour tes passages,
bon dimanche, amitiés
PascalL replied to ROL/Photo:
Joe, Son of the Rock said:
PascalL replied to Joe, Son of the Rock:
Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:
bon dimanche mon ami ! il a plu toute la nuit ici et frisquet*********************
PascalL replied to Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨*:
Dominique 60 said:
PascalL replied to Dominique 60:
Léopold said:
William Sutherland said:
PascalL replied to William Sutherland:
Krisonteme said:
PascalL replied to Krisonteme: