Is this a found work (with reflections) or a creation from multiple photos?
It is a great work. Love it.
I'm getting curious what cameras you use (you don't show the EXIF for your photos - a setting you can change if you want) - you have many different styles, it seems, so maybe different cameras?
I use different cameras mostly digital. The cyanotype and callitype are made according historical print processes, toned with coffee, gold, etc... and scanned. My Polaroid Land is sitting on the shelf, as nowadays the film packs are way to expensive. My collection of film cameras is collecting dust.
In-camera multi exposures? I haven't come across that before. Love that. Which digital can do that - or do all of them do it and I am just not using mine to it's fullest ability?
I'm jealous that you've done the historic print processes. I'm never been brave enough to try any of them, but love how the look.
I completely understand your film cameras collecting dust. I keep trying to bring mine out now and then. My first camera (that was my own) is a Minolta, and recently I've been using it here and there. It really feels great when I do. And the fun of not remembering what the images were and getting to see them later!
I'm sorry you haven't indulged a bit in the new Polaroid film. But I also have not been using my polaroid cameras much - the the Land that I have was my dad's (he used it to take site photos for locations where he would be designing homes for people - he was an architect) - and so I try and pull it out now and then to honor getting to have his camera.
afaik most digital cameras can do up-to 10 blendings with different modes(lighten, darken, screen..). My Olympus OMD and Ricoh GR do it.
The historic print processes I learned from Wolfgang Moersch - a well known Printer and seller of the chemicals. And great photographer. He was also quite active on ipernity, showing his craft and results i.e. same motifs with different process and all the details.
I have not seen that Impossible makes 85x105mm. One pack with 10 images i.e. FP100C goes for 200$ - ridiculous. My daughter shoots with SX70 - and she got all my best working SX-cameras ;-)
* ઇଓ * said:
oHo replied to * ઇଓ *:
Thank's a lot :-)
raingirl said:
It is a great work. Love it.
I'm getting curious what cameras you use (you don't show the EXIF for your photos - a setting you can change if you want) - you have many different styles, it seems, so maybe different cameras?
oHo replied to raingirl:
I use different cameras mostly digital. The cyanotype and callitype are made according historical print processes, toned with coffee, gold, etc... and scanned. My Polaroid Land is sitting on the shelf, as nowadays the film packs are way to expensive. My collection of film cameras is collecting dust.
raingirl replied to oHo:
I'm jealous that you've done the historic print processes. I'm never been brave enough to try any of them, but love how the look.
I completely understand your film cameras collecting dust. I keep trying to bring mine out now and then. My first camera (that was my own) is a Minolta, and recently I've been using it here and there. It really feels great when I do. And the fun of not remembering what the images were and getting to see them later!
I'm sorry you haven't indulged a bit in the new Polaroid film. But I also have not been using my polaroid cameras much - the the Land that I have was my dad's (he used it to take site photos for locations where he would be designing homes for people - he was an architect) - and so I try and pull it out now and then to honor getting to have his camera.
oHo said:
The historic print processes I learned from Wolfgang Moersch - a well known Printer and seller of the chemicals. And great photographer. He was also quite active on ipernity, showing his craft and results i.e. same motifs with different process and all the details.
I have not seen that Impossible makes 85x105mm. One pack with 10 images i.e. FP100C goes for 200$ - ridiculous. My daughter shoots with SX70 - and she got all my best working SX-cameras ;-)
Annemarie said: