
Central Power Electric - Bottineau County, ND

A last look at the old North Central Electric 'Willow City' substation. A new sub was just to the west; it appeared as if the power company and the coop were going to switch over to the new sub after the holiday weekend. Indeed, Google Maps shows the site cleared except for the control hut and two new poles in place. The sub was replaced due to age (supposedly installed 1949, but I think it's actually a few years newer than that), tight clearances, and being directly underneath the transmission line (which really is a no-no).

I haven't decided if I want to fully reopen this account, but I was over the storage limit, so I cleaned out a bunch of pictures that had lost their context in my haste to clean up before returning to Flickr.
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Steve Bucknell said:

This specialised microcosm of the world is always interesting. It makes me contrast and compare the infrastructure that I see around me. ( Often quite specialised and complex near where I live, I think, supplying the steelworks, and of all kinds of ages and kit.) I’ll probably take one or two shots as my gruelling one photograph a day project continues!
8 days ago

Jesse Lor said:

I think it's safe to say my ipernity is retired at this point. I'll still keep my account up, however, it's almost like a grim reminder of 'what once was'.
7 days ago