Calluna vulgaris 'Alicia'
I took this shot today in a local grocery / convenience store.
I felt tempted to buy a pot with lovely white little flowers but I knew that I couldn't bring them home.
You see, ever since I was a little kid I was told by my Mom that heather was bad luck. She learned it in September 1939 when she was ten years old.
Summer 1939 was beautiful. Hot and sunny. Heather thrived. My grandparents house was full of heather. All shades of pink and purple.
Then on September 1, 1939 the Second World War begun.
My Grandma threw away all flowers and banned all those that were there from being brought back ever.
I think that the cultivar that was on sale today is named 'Alicia'.
My Mom's name is Alicja / Alice too.
Asus Zenfone
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Taken on Friday September 2, 2022
Posted on Friday September 2, 2022
- 206 visits
- 15 people like
Patrick Brandy said:
Marta Wojtkowska replied to Patrick Brandy:
Boro said:
Marta Wojtkowska replied to Boro:
Boarischa Krautmo said:
Marta Wojtkowska replied to Boarischa Krautmo:
Andy Rodker said:
A lovely shot!
Marta Wojtkowska replied to Andy Rodker:
Yesterday evening I searched the net for some explanation and I learned that (allegedly):
* In ancient times, the red and pink heather flowers were related to blood. That's why they were considered as a sign of bad luck and people avoided to take them into their homes or offer them as a gift
* Swedish superstition says that heather brings death!
* There are regions where white heather is considered a lucky talisman.
So maybe, maybe it is all about color.
Peggy C said:
Perhaps the Swallowtail I'll post will help.
Keep well and strong, My Dear Friend.
Marta Wojtkowska replied to Peggy C:
I'll look for your Swallowtail in no time.
Xata said:
Marta Wojtkowska replied to Xata:
It looks like my smartphone deals with bad light conditions better than my other cameras ;)
John Lawrence said:
All Flowers Group
Marta Wojtkowska replied to John Lawrence: