
<no title>

Alternative proposition for front page.
I used a little from everybody,from old ipernity,from Bernhard,from other fotosharing places and some was even from me.
That button in the middle is for the Ipernity story what i hope somebody will write one day.
So what do you think?
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Ulrich John said:

Like your proposal, Marko !
7 years ago

Erhard Bernstein said:

Great job!
7 years ago

Boarischa Krautmo said:

good and important is "the ipernity story"-button! A link like this should be on the frontpage.
I am not sure about the portrait format - desktop users prefer the landsacpe format and the mobile version of IP needs (imo) some enhancement....
guess can only look, but not upload any content, so the text is somehow misleading.
7 years ago

Marko Novosel replied to Boarischa Krautmo:

Yes,ofcourse,i put it like portrait so it can be seen more then just 1/3.
Bernhard put explanation under every button and that is good,that is missing here cause i was making it fast,it can be added.
7 years ago

diedje said:

great what you designed! but there are too many text information on the first image. on a smartphone it is too much. on the bottom picture are too many pictures. also for smartphones too many. less is more.... . the design of flickr is very optimized for smartphones. a solution in the middle would be good.
7 years ago

Marko Novosel replied to diedje:

Less is more,i like that,also this was meant to go over 3 images,i put it in one for easier view.
This smartphone inputs are very good,seems there should be less pictures,probably two,one on left,one on right.
Ill try to do it tommorow.
7 years ago

raingirl said:

first, thanks for doing this!

my perspective from having viewed this on a laptop:

- i like the news button not being orange (good call)
- i like the ipernity story button idea
- i like the three button clean layout
- love the 'your independent photo sharing platform' over the photo!
- i like having the grouped photos at the borrom

- it looks to me, based on how this is layed out, that the 'Keep...', 'Share...', and 'Your Story' paragraphs are descriptions of each of the buttons they are under. somehow visually it needs to be clear that those are about ipernity as a member, not as a guest.
* maybe if there was a full line delineator under the buttons that would do it.
- i don't know if it is a good idea to have the price on the frontpage. maybe it is, but i wonder about it.
7 years ago

Marko Novosel replied to raingirl:

yes,there should be distinction between keep-share-your story,probably few photos from our members 2 on every side and then text at the end with an orange button sign in at the bottom.
I like how we talk about it here and there,its very important.
7 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

I prefer blue buttons/links and less words. I'm an old school guy, and I think the user interface should rely on minimizing the amount of words and using "color standards" for button/link colors.

My opinion on background color I have already expressed, but I say it again. We could be proud of having a different, white and lighter start page ;-)

In general I think the best way is to combine both, the suggestion made by Bernhard and this. And not to make too "dramatical" changes on what comes to colors and style.

Most important in my opinion is to make clear what are the functions! We should pretty soon know how the guest, trial and member accounts work. That can turn out surprisingly difficult and time consuming task to implement those features into an existing database. Once we know what the user roles would be, then it is also easier to define what texts and buttons should be there on front page.
7 years ago

Marko Novosel replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:

Blue and orange works good,red would be too aggresive.
I agree on minimalistic approach,sentences should be at the end or moved out.
Key is not to go into too dramatic changes and to keep our identity.
7 years ago