I did a quick google search and eyes on boats doesn't seem to be proprietary to the Greeks.The Egyptians, Phoenicians, Romans, Chinese, Vietnamese and others painted them on boats as well. For the Egyptians it is most likely a symbol of Horus and it's meant for protection
I did'nt have a ride, though. we had a stroll through the historic centre an the beautiful parc near the lake instead... ;-)
raingirl said:
malona said:
I did a quick google search and eyes on boats doesn't seem to be proprietary to the Greeks.The Egyptians, Phoenicians, Romans, Chinese, Vietnamese and others painted them on boats as well. For the Egyptians it is most likely a symbol of Horus and it's meant for protection
I did'nt have a ride, though. we had a stroll through the historic centre an the beautiful parc near the lake instead... ;-)
volker_hmbg said:
Gelungenes Spiegel-Foto!
Malik Raoulda said:
Bon dimanche.