

SC100 - celebrations
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Xata said:

Sky on fire to celebrate !
2 weeks ago

MaggsMep replied to Xata:

I love firework displays!
2 weeks ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Spectacular capture!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
2 weeks ago ( translate )

MaggsMep replied to William Sutherland:

Thanks William
2 weeks ago ( translate )

Wierd Folkersma said:

explosive celebration!
2 weeks ago ( translate )

MaggsMep replied to Wierd Folkersma:

Just a bit !!
2 weeks ago

tiabunna said:

A sparkling celebratory image, Maggs.
2 weeks ago ( translate )

MaggsMep replied to tiabunna:

I imagine, given the drought, that fireworks are a bit of a no-no in Auz ...
2 weeks ago

Gudrun said:

Cool, a jubilee firework!
2 weeks ago ( translate )

MaggsMep replied to Gudrun:

I think fireworks displays should be celebrated - with a fireworks display !!
2 weeks ago

Keith Burton said:

A wonderfully colourful shot Maggie.....beautiuflly captured..!!
2 weeks ago

Pam J said:

WOWWWW !!!!!!

2 weeks ago

Amelia said:

I wonder why there was a firework display on the 18thJuly. A positive explosion of colour.
2 weeks ago

MaggsMep replied to Amelia:

End of an outdoor gig !
2 weeks ago

Gillian Everett said:

Love the fiery colour, perfect celebration, Maggs
2 weeks ago