

Happy Wet Wednesday Wall !

Hope your week is going well and that you've got more summery weather than here - I very briefly considered putting the central heating on last night but put a winter jumper on instead :-((
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William Sutherland said:

Awesome architectural capture! HWW!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
3 weeks ago ( translate )

Karl Hartwig Schütz said:

HWW Dir!
3 weeks ago ( translate )

Pam J said:

3 weeks ago ( translate )

Wierd Folkersma said:

3 weeks ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Lovely building nicely washed and well captured Maggs
Some idiot will tell us later its been the warmest June on record, HWW!
3 weeks ago

Fred Fouarge said:

(HWW) Maggy
3 weeks ago ( translate )

tiabunna said:

Well, the rain has given you some lovely reflections, Maggs. HWWW and have a good week.
3 weeks ago

Gudrun said:

Still beautiful and with good reflections:-) HWW
3 weeks ago

Xata said:

Oh Dear… and tourists are invading the beach here…
HWW Maggs, wishing you better weather
3 weeks ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Une architecture remarquable richement décorée et une image admirable !************
Bonne journée Maggie.
3 weeks ago ( translate )

LotharW said:

HWW, Maggs. Ja, das Klima spielt verrückt!
3 weeks ago ( translate )

Edna Edenkoben said:

It's moderately warm here in Karlsruhe (19 °C today), yet it's sunny and has been for several days. Luckily, no heating necessary!! Rain is responsible for interesting photos though :-)

HWWW, Maggie!
3 weeks ago

Gabi Lombardo said:

wonderful rain reflections!!
3 weeks ago ( translate )

Denis Croissant said:

No ordinary fence!!!!
3 weeks ago ( translate )

Don Sutherland said:

Gorgeous architecture.
3 weeks ago ( translate )