
Freeform Wire Bracelet (Explored)

Freeform Wire Bracelet from Sarah Thompson’s class “Wire Weaving Bracelets-Basics and Beyond” crafted by my wife. Please see insets for side views.

I was recruited to take pictures of the jewelry my wife has been making for a 6 month blog challenge she has been doing where she was crafting a piece of jewelry a week from tutorials. She has just ended that challenge this past week with this bracelet. This has also been a 6 month challenge for me as I have tried to take pictures of her pieces that are as professional as possible. I have learned a few things. Things like light, color balance, shadows, the value of a dark side, and the importance of giving a true representation of color. After all, if she uses these photos to sell the jewelry, I don't want the person purchasing the piece to be mislead by what they see online because my colors are not correct.
It was not until this week that I took the time to work with focus stacking software in taking pictures of the jewelry. I tend to take macro shots so as to display the wonderful detail she puts into each piece. The problem with that is the parts that are out of focus. I don't like them. I could use the photo stacking in Adobe Photoshop except I don't have Photoshop. I use Lightroom for basic developing. So I am using a trial version of a focus stacking specific software. I must say I am pleased with the early results. I am sure I need to work on my focus stacking. This was my first real attempt. I am looking forward to getting even more practice.
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yokopakumayoko Franc… said:

Excellent shot!

Admired in:
9 years ago ( translate )

Rita Guimaraes said:

Fantastic result.
Like it, very much.
9 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Awesome colour and details.
9 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Fantastic shots!

Admired in:
9 years ago

Fantasyfan said:

Very nice design
9 years ago ( translate )

RHH said:

Beautiful piece.
9 years ago ( translate )

RHH said:

9 years ago ( translate )

Don Sutherland said:

Wonderful composition.
9 years ago ( translate )

autofantasia said:

Your wife is obviously as skilled at making jewellery as you are at photographing it as these are superb images :)

Be interested to know which software you've been trialling ... feel free to mail me a link if you don't want to a=advertise it here! Regards, PAUL
9 years ago

Dan Leppert replied to autofantasia:

Thank you Paul. Helicon Focus 6 is what I used for this photo. I am now trying out a trial version of the Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 and Lightroom CC 2015. For me Photoshop currently does a better job of what I am trying to accomplish than the Helicon software.
9 years ago

autofantasia replied to Dan Leppert:

Thanks for the info Dan. Strangely, I've just started using the Adobe CC set up that you mention and hadn't realised you could do that kind of thing with it ... I obviously have a lot to learn! ;)
9 years ago

╰☆☆June☆☆╮ said:

Wonderful, I love it
Thank you for sharing your beautiful capture with us.

Stunning Shots on Black
9 years ago

RHH said:

Thanks for the visit, Dan. You have a good weekend.
9 years ago

RHH said:

I use focus stacking software for my studio shots of orchids and use an older freeware program called CZM. For some reason it works better for me than some of the other programs which I've tried. I've switched however to Windows 10 and it doesn't run on that platform, so I'm going to have to find something else.
9 years ago

tiabunna said:

Marvellous detail and colours. I tried focus stacking a while back, must give it another go.
9 years ago