Title: Dome panel with scene of transporting Prince Siddartha's headdress to heaven
Period: Ikshvaku
Date: late 3rd century CE
Culture: India, Nagarjunakonda, attributed to Stupa Site 3, Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh
Medium: Limestone
Dimensions: H. 24 in. (61 cm); W. 37 in. (94 cm); D. 5 7/8 in. (15 cm)
Classification: Sculpture
Credit Line: Lent by National Museum, New Delhi
Object Number: TS.135
The celebration of the hair-turban relic, marking the moment Prince Siddhartha renounced worldly possessions, was a favored subject in Andhra Buddhist art. The scene mirrors the description in Ashvaghosa's second-century CE Sanskrit biography, Buddhacarita (Life of the Buddha, translated by Patrick Olivelle): “Unsheathing his sword, dark as a lotus petal, he cut his ornate headdress along with his hair, and threw it in the air, the cloth trailing behind—it seemed he was throwing a swan into a lake. As it was thrown up, heavenly beings caught it out of reverence so they may worship it; throngs of gods in heaven paid it homage.”
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