
Hmm - leckeres Futter! (PiP)

In unserer Siedlung haben aktive Bewohner eine "Klimagruppe" gegründet, um sie den Klimaveränderungen anzupassen. Dazu gehört auch das Projekt der Umwandlung von Stein- und Rasenflächen in insektenfreundliche Blumenwiesen und das Aufstellen von Brutmöglichkeiten für Insekten - sogenannte "Insektenhotels" (s.PiP). Unsere Städte und landwirtschaftlich genutzte Flächen bieten Insekten immer weniger Lebensräume.
In our neighbourhood, active residents have founded a ‘climate group’ to adapt to climate change. This also includes the project of converting stone- and lawn-areas into insect-friendly flower meadows and to erect breeding sites for insects - so-called ‘insect hotels (s. PiP)’. Our cities and agricultural areas are providing fewer and fewer habitats for insects.
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Old Owl said:

A beautifully composed image, Klaus: it has balance and charm. Your bee hotel (PiP) is very important to our ecology.
8 weeks ago

PascalL said:

excellent, bravo, bonne journée
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Eric Desjours said:

Just excellent.
The habitat of insects, and bees in particular, does indeed need protection. Well done.
8 weeks ago

Wierd Folkersma said:

wonderful close up
8 weeks ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Excellent shots! Happy World Photography Day!
8 weeks ago

Peter_Private_Box said:

Hi Klaus
I like this picture very much!
It is a very different and exciting composition
Fantastic colours too
Best Wishes, HWPD,, and stay safe!!
8 weeks ago

gitte.loveanimals said:

Top ✨️
8 weeks ago

Xata said:

An excellent initiative which will pay off, more people should gather in such purpose.
Your flower and bees illustrate it happily.
8 weeks ago

Christa1004 said:

Eine schöne Initiative, und so wie es aussieht, haben die Bienen hier ja was ganz besonders Leckeres gefunden.
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Gabi Lombardo said:

eine bemerkenswerte Initiative, die hoffetlich viel Erfolg erntet!! Die Biene erntet jedenfalls schon mal eine leckere Mahlzeit ;-))
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Peter Castell said:

A lovely floral image the bees are a bonus
8 weeks ago

WiePet said:

Schön, glückliche Bienen zu sehen!
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Ruesterstaude said:

eine gute Tat gut dokumentiert, lieber Klaus!
8 weeks ago ( translate )

raingirl said:

A 24mm lens? You must have been really close to that flower and bees? Or am I completely wrong?

Great photo. The wings on the bee flying are perfect! I guess we now know that 1/640 is fast enough to capture bee wings.

In our town we have a 'natural habitat' certification that people can do in their yards. I'm glad you have something similar where you are.

Happy World Photography Day!
8 weeks ago

klaus 040 said:

Vielen Dank für eure netten Worte und Sternchen.
Thanks to you all for nice words and starlets .
7 weeks ago ( translate )