Wow,das hast du großartig umgesetzt mit diesen beiden Farbtönen Gelb-Grün lieber Keith und du hast auch einen tollen Bildausschnitt gewählt,man muss nicht immer die ganze Blüte zeigen,sehr schön hast du auch den Fokus auf das Vordere gelegt,ein spitzen Makro :))
Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,liebe Grüße Güni :))
Glad you like my macro abstract Güni............especially the colours. Thank you so much for your visit and these lovely comments. Always appreciated.
I hope you've had a nice end to the week and are looking forward to a lovely weekend. Best wishes and take care, Keith.
Stunning! And it looks like the flowing hem of a swirly skirt….very pretty, and striking too!
Have a lovely weekend Keith…nice to see some flowers coming out for you! Xxxxxx
Günter Klaus said:
Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,liebe Grüße Güni :))
Keith Burton replied to Günter Klaus:
I hope you've had a nice end to the week and are looking forward to a lovely weekend. Best wishes and take care, Keith.
Jean-louis Thiaudier… said:
Keith Burton replied to Jean-louis Thiaudier…:
Jean-Paul said:
Keith Burton replied to Jean-Paul:
Xata said:
Keith Burton replied to Xata:
MaggsMep said:
Stephan Fey said:
J.Garcia said:
Superb idea and image, Keith!
William Sutherland said:
Diana Australis said:
Have a lovely weekend Keith…nice to see some flowers coming out for you! Xxxxxx
Jaap van 't Veen said:
TOZ said:
All the best TOZ