
Jove is back

It's been rainy and cloudy here for about six weeks so I had not noticed that Jupiter was rising again in the evening sky. That is until this evening when I saw him half-way up the Eastern sky at about 8:30pm. It's still cloudy most of the time, but there were a few breaks so I could look up through the tree branches and see him and his visible moons.

All four of the Galilean moons are on the upper-right side of him though Io is so close it is just a sty on Jove's eye. But the three you can distinguish easily in this picture are, lower-left to upper-right, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

None of the specks are specks -- they are all U-shaped due to my hand-holding the camera in a stiff breeze a few degrees below freezing.
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William Sutherland said:

Marvelous capture!
6 weeks ago ( translate )

Justfolk said:

6 weeks ago ( translate )