
Ecully (69) 20 mars 2012. Institut Paul bocuse. Ecole hôtelière.

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Jaap van 't Veen said:

Beautiful building; well captured.
Enjoy the rest of the week.
23 months ago

Nouchetdu38 replied to Jaap van 't Veen:

Thank you very much****
23 months ago

Madeleine Defawes said:

Un superbe écrin pour l'école hôtelière !
Bonne semaine. Amitiés
23 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 replied to Madeleine Defawes:

Le cadre est effectivement magnifique!!!!! Réputation "Bocuse" oblige!!!!!!
Bien amicalement***
23 months ago ( translate )

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

A beautiful place to learn their trade Nouchet. I have just noticed it was taken in 2012. The students will be qualified now and maybe running their own restaurants!!
23 months ago

Nouchetdu38 replied to Rosalyn Hilborne:

The students of all nationalities who graduate from this school are among the greatest chefs in the world!!!!
To eat in this restaurant, you have to book well in advance; the cuisine is of course of excellent quality and you have to give notes at the end of the meal! in exchange. As it is a school, the prices remain very affordable!
Thank you for your visit and.....bon appetit******
23 months ago

tiabunna said:

A very impressive building.
23 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 replied to tiabunna:

In which we eat quality cuisine at a school price!!!!
23 months ago

Ulrich John said:

Sieht ja toll aus !
23 months ago

Nouchetdu38 replied to Ulrich John:

Und Was wir drin essen ist ja noch toller!!!!!!!
23 months ago ( translate )

Doug Shepherd said:

A very grand building!
23 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 replied to Doug Shepherd:

And very famous*****
Friendly greetings***
23 months ago ( translate )

Christa1004 said:

Si les élèves sont aussi bons que le château est beau - ils vont devenir des chefs !!
23 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 replied to Christa1004:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! En tout cas, ils ont d'excellents professeurs!!!!
23 months ago ( translate )

Percy Schramm said:

Eine wunderschöne Architektur - fein präsentiert
23 months ago ( translate )