
Four under the Floor

Sheila inspecting my work in the GTO.
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Clickity Click said:

Oh my goodness what a shot Norm! She is really a nice looking friend to have. :) Be Well! Give Shelia some scratches behind the ears for me.

Be Strong - Reach Out To Others - Be Good To Yourself
3 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to Clickity Click:

Thanks Chris! She was being real funny last night trying to attack the brush I was using from that hole! :-)
3 years ago

1971 Dodge Charger R… said:

She's a cutie !!!
I can never get my cats to help with my Charger although Willy might be good in the paint booth with his respirator. ; )
Willy's Hazmat Suit
3 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to 1971 Dodge Charger R…:

I'm not sure I'd classify it as help as much as I would as "interest" ... very interested! :-) Many years ago I had an old farm cat I called Deuces. He would sleep on the tri-power sitting on my work bench. I had a big piece of denim laying over the tri-power to keep the dust out and he liked sleeping on that. Once in a while if I were laying on the floor ... he'd come see what I was doing, but otherwise ... he's just snooze while I worked ... pretty much like all my other supervisors!
3 years ago

1971 Dodge Charger R… replied to Indycaver (Norm):

I have a Holley triple deuce set up on an Edelbrock intake that came from either a '69 440 Six Pack Super Bee or a '69 440 Six Barrel Road Runner.
I don't think the cats would sleep on the carbs but the oval air filter might make a nice cat bed.
It's just decoration in my living room right now because I'll probably never be able to afford to get the rest of the car it belongs in.
1969 Dodge Coronet 1969 Plymouth Road Runner 440 6BBL
3 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to 1971 Dodge Charger R…:

I never understood it myself, but old Deuces loved sleeping there! My tri-power left with the 66 GTO I bought it for. Back in high school a fellow down the street drove a GTX with a 440 sixpack. Beautiful car and I've always wondered what happened to it!
3 years ago