
Le visiteur d'Eric Emmanuel Schmitt

How insensitive
I must have seemed
When she told me that she loved me
How unmoved and cold
I must have seemed
When she told me so sincerely
Why she must have asked
Did I just turn and stare in icy silence
What was I to say
What can you say
When a love affair is over

Now she's gone away
And I'm alone
With a memory of her last look
Vague and drawn and sad
I see it still
All her heartbreak in that last look
How she must have asked
Could I just turn and stare in icy silence
What was I to do
What can one do
When a love affair is over

Carlos Jobim et Pat Metheny
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HelenaPF replied to :

an old creation l like a lot and ll am so glad you like you also Thank you my LOve with a lot of kisses
12 years ago

Pierrot said:

Très belle création lumineuse..!!
12 years ago ( translate )

HelenaPF replied to Pierrot:

merci Pierrot c'est si gentil
12 years ago ( translate )

Julien Rappaport said:

Au bout du tunnel la lumière ! .....c'est merveilleux
12 years ago ( translate )

HelenaPF replied to Julien Rappaport:

Vers laquelle tant d'âmes se pressent....
12 years ago ( translate )

vero said:

Héléna c'est une merveille, un vrai rayon de soleil, d'une luminosoité qui nous mène vers une oeuvre artistique de grand talent, je t'embrasse fort véronique
12 years ago ( translate )

HelenaPF replied to vero:

Je t'embrasse pour un grand merci ma Véro
12 years ago ( translate )

HelenaPF replied to :

Vers lequel nous allons tous comme un seul homme...(smile)
12 years ago ( translate )

Rymie Jolie said:

J'aime beaucoup la texture et le rendu d'ombres et lumière! C'est beau!!!
Joyeux anniversaire Helena ,tous mes voeux de bonheur Gros bisou!
12 years ago ( translate )

HelenaPF replied to Rymie Jolie:

Merci infiniment pour tout Rymie. Gros bisous à toi et bon week-end
12 years ago ( translate )

Love Song said:

Excelente *_* J************************************************
12 years ago ( translate )

HelenaPF replied to Love Song:

Thank a lot my friend Big hugs
12 years ago

Lebojo said:

attirante ...
14 years ago ( translate )

HelenaPF replied to Lebojo:

Merci mon ami!
14 years ago ( translate )

HelenaPF said:

Laissez venir à moi les petits enfants.....
14 years ago ( translate )