
Homemade Sandwich Bread

Tonight, I made this bread recipe for the first time. It's for sandwich bread like you buy at the store and I was skeptical it would turn out like it was supposed to. But, it did - I was amazed. It tasted like store-bought bread and was even light and fluffy, too. It turned out so well, I sliced some of it off and made a couple grilled cheese sandwiches with it. They were delicious as well!

Taken on January 12th, 2025, with my Sony Alpha SLT-a77V DSLR.
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The Limbo Connection said:

Congratulations on your baking success. The bread looks very good (and the cheese toasties in the next frame you posted made me salivate slightly). I have a breadmaker which is seldom used because it is an all-in-one type. After mixing the ingredients it goes into bake mode with the mixing gadget still inside. I didn't much like the hole in the bottom of every loaf.
5 weeks ago

HaarFager replied to The Limbo Connection:

Thank you! I wouldn't like holes in my bread, either.
5 weeks ago

HaarFager said:

Here's the grilled cheese sandwiches I made with this bread. They're kind of short because I made them with slices from the end of the loaf, where it didn't rise as much as toward the middle:

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
5 weeks ago