

This is what I made for dinner tonight - Potticotti. It may sound slightly familar because it's just a variation of manicotti. Instead of the usual filling inside the manicotti noodles, I make a filling out of potted meat, spices, grated parmesan cheese and an egg. Then I make your typical pasta sauce, pour over it and bake it until the shredded mozzarella cheese on top comes out golden brown. I invented this recipe because I alway thought potted meat got a bad rep a long time ago, while it could be jazzed up and become something for more "upscale" palates.

Although it's only one noodle, this is actually bigger than it looks. The plate is larger than normal size and the manicotti noodle really expanded after I had prepared it.

Taken on December 20th, 2024, with my Sony Alpha SLT-a77V DSLR.
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1 comment

William Sutherland said:

Splendid capture!
2 months ago ( translate )