
Flower Bed

This is the flower bed in the front corner of my yard that I've been working on for several years. This shot was taken on April 4th, 2022.

The tall, square patch in the middle are Lilies. Around that, I have been transplanting some wild flowers that grow all over my yard in spots. They are called Wild Grape Hyacinths. I have placed them around the bed to border everything. To the right, just behind the original stand of Lilies, I transplanted some Irises from my back yard, because nobody could see them.

So, as they are, the Wild Grape Hyacinths bloom first, like you can see in the picture, the Lilies bloom second and then the Irises bloom last. I have flowers blooming for a long period in this little patch and it's adds a little color to my lawn.

The telephone pole in the top left of the picture indicates my property line. You can see West Main Street running in front of it and it passes right along my front yard. I put all the flowers here so they could be seen by people passing by.
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