
Norris City Community Museum

This is our local museum, located at the heart of downtown Norris City. Taken with an old Instamatic camera that was broken, but I figured out a way to get it to work - I removed the broken shutter mechanism so I could use it like a pinhole camera. Plus, I loaded 35mm film into an old 126 film cartridge. And not only that, the wind was blowing pretty briskly and the camera didn't have a tripod socket, so I had to actually tape it to a tripod to hold it steady for 10 seconds.

Back in the 1940's, this building used to be a movie theater. It was about a block away from a train station and two hotels - none of which are there anymore.

Camera: Kodak Instamatic 44 (YOSY, made in period 06/70)
Film: Fuji Film Neopan Acros 100 (expired on 10/2019)
Lens: 43mm plastic meniscus lens
Shooting Program: Manual
Aperture: f/11
Shutter Speed: "B" (bulb) 10 seconds
Date: March 30th, 2023, 9.52 p.m.
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.

Developing chemicals @68 degrees:
2 minute presoak
Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 20 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F
15 second initial agitation
Water rinse: 1 minute
Ilford lfostop stopbath: 15 second agitation, 45 second stand
Water rinse: 1 minute
Kodak Kodafix fixer: 9 minutes
Water rinse: 1 minute

Kodak 44 Fuji Acros 100 2023 02nf
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1 comment

HaarFager said:

Wow, this photo made it into Explore! Finally a shot that I could be proud of to have made it in there.
21 months ago