
Late August 20240819 09 13 46 Pro

Late August, the sun is shining longer each day, the coldest part of winter is behind, the grass is growing longer each day, the mandarins will soon be picked. All this on WPD. August 2024.
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Xata said:

Enjoy eating it !
4 weeks ago

GrahamH replied to Xata:

We eat them fresh off the tree and many are made into marmalade also.
4 weeks ago

tiabunna said:

Very healthy looking mandarines, Graham. Down here we've had a dry spell while they're developing, so poor quality and undersize fruit this year.
4 weeks ago

GrahamH replied to tiabunna:

Ours are are a bit mixed, some normal good size as in the photo but others are small and hard. These and the orange tree have been picked as some from each tree have been eaten by flying foxes.
3 weeks ago

Steve Paxton said:

Glad that someone is getting some fine weather, truly look good enough to eat.
4 weeks ago

GrahamH replied to Steve Paxton:

The lower one was...
3 weeks ago

Christa1004 said:

I was smiling when reading your description, because "...late August, the sun shines shorter every day, autumn is approaching and winter is waiting behind it..." This is what I could say;-))
4 weeks ago

GrahamH replied to Christa1004:

Average August temperatures are 10C overnight and 20C maximum but this year we are having 12-15C overnight and 25-28C maximum.
3 weeks ago

raingirl said:

Love the light of the changing season in your photo. You've not only made the mandarins very appealing, but the composition is very gentle and soothing. Delighful photo.

How cold does it get during winter where you are? Seems like it must be fairly mild if you can have mandarins already ripe.
4 weeks ago

GrahamH replied to raingirl:

Hi Laura, it usually doesn't frost at my place here on a ridge though lower places get frost. It has got a bit warm. August can be cold but not this year, July was the coldest and June was colder than usual.
4 weeks ago

Gillian Everett said:

Great to see your mandarin crop, Spring is on the way
4 weeks ago

Erika+Manfred said:

Hmmm, I like mandarins.
4 weeks ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Fabulous capture!
4 weeks ago ( translate )

Peter_Private_Box said:

Hi Graham
I like this picture very much!
It is a very different and exciting composition
Fantastic colours too
Best Wishes, HWPD,, and stay safe!!
4 weeks ago

Aus Blue said:

Wow Graham.I thought they were oranges ..A neighbour always gives me almost all the myer lemons from her tree ..nice..Have good weekends .its beautiful weather in our State..hope its the same up there 4u
3 weeks ago