
Port of Newcastle

Newcastle Harbour, Hunter River, New South Wales, Australia

The largest port on the East Coast and Australia’s oldest export port, Newcastle Harbour is a vital economic gateway to the resource-rich Hunter Valley and the north and northwest of NSW.

With over 2,200 trade vessels visiting the port each year, Newcastle Harbour is one of the largest tonnage throughput ports in the country, exporting valuable bulk cargo such as coal, grain, vegetable oils, alumina, fertiliser and ore concentrates to markets overseas.

Newcastle’s landside port operations are managed by Port of Newcastle.

Corona Triton
Port of Newcastle
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Annemarie said:

beautiful image
14 months ago ( translate )

Gillian Everett replied to Annemarie:

Thanks Annamaria
14 months ago ( translate )

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

A lovely series. I had a friend who lived in Newcastle, but she has
sadly passed away now.
14 months ago

Gillian Everett replied to Rosalyn Hilborne:

The waterfront there is really brilliant now, with a long promenade.
14 months ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

Wow quite an important port then. It's good to know these things.
14 months ago

Gillian Everett replied to Jenny McIntyre:

Yes, it is a very interesting place to visit.
14 months ago

Gudrun said:

Ports seem similar all over the world and always look great. In the main photo the red buoy balances the ships very well!
14 months ago

Gillian Everett replied to Gudrun:

The distances between major ports are sometimes quite vast in Australia, so it is always a novelty for us. Love Newcastle, Sydney and Fremantle. Newcastle waterfront has been gentrified and has great hotels and apartments, so very enjoyable to visit there.
13 months ago

GrahamH said:

There is/was a ferry across to Stockton which I remember being a worthwhile thing to do from 30+ years ago.
13 months ago

Gillian Everett replied to GrahamH:

There still is. We would like to stay in Port Stephens again and catch the ferry to Newcastle, just for the trip.
13 months ago