That's almost disturbing. (The metallic slash across the woman's face. Could be an allegory about silencing women's voices...) Maybe I'm too sensitized these days.
I didn't consciously have any point to make with this, but perhaps my unconscious was making that point, Bob. I see her as a hero in a spaghetti western -- she has that steely glare -- and spaghetti westerns don't have women as heroes, so that could be relevant. I say "hero" because a heroine is something else.
rdhinmn said:
John FitzGerald replied to rdhinmn:
Steve Bucknell said:
John FitzGerald replied to Steve Bucknell:
William Sutherland said:
Admired in:
John FitzGerald replied to William Sutherland:
Annemarie said:
Wish you a peaceful Wednesday!
John FitzGerald replied to Annemarie:
tiabunna said:
John FitzGerald replied to tiabunna:
Patrick Brandy said:
John FitzGerald replied to Patrick Brandy:
Keith Burton said:
John FitzGerald replied to Keith Burton:
Gabi Lombardo said: