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rdhinmn said:

Ah, a view from the air of the city of the future - which I, for one, will be happy not to see.
3 weeks ago

John FitzGerald replied to rdhinmn:

It's already here in Toronto, Bob. I flew in from Ohio once and we went over a part of Toronto that looked much like this. It was like flying over a giant hedgehog. But that was in wacky Etobicoke, which can't even spell its own name (the K is silent). Perhaps they wanted to look like a giant hedgehog.
3 weeks ago

Keith Burton said:

Lovely detail and sharpness John...........I prefer to think of them as a lifetime supply of chocolate being extruded from a chocolate making machine :-)))
3 weeks ago

John FitzGerald replied to Keith Burton:

Thanks, Keith. I hadn't thought of extruded chocolate but it makes sense. Happy sense, too.
3 weeks ago

Gabi Lombardo said:

well seen and presented!!
3 weeks ago

John FitzGerald replied to Gabi Lombardo:

Thank you very much, Gabi.
3 weeks ago

Joe, Son of the Rock said:

A great use of light and shadow, John. All the best, Joe
3 weeks ago

John FitzGerald replied to Joe, Son of the Rock:

Thank you very much, Joe, and all the best to you.
3 weeks ago

William Sutherland said:

Exceptional capture!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
3 weeks ago ( translate )

John FitzGerald replied to William Sutherland:

Thank you very much, William.
3 weeks ago

Keith Burton replied to John FitzGerald:

Ha, ha..........unfortunately for my waistline, thinking of chocolate makes me crave it :-)))
3 weeks ago

John FitzGerald replied to Keith Burton:

I'll try not to post chocolatey pictures again, Keith. Photographers' health is important to me.
3 weeks ago

Eva Lewitus said:

Are the people that live there straight?
3 weeks ago

John FitzGerald replied to Eva Lewitus:

As dies, Eva, which is probably what they were cast from.
2 weeks ago