The mind boggles. Does it keep functioning when it ices over in winter? Wouldn't it be safer, and look tidier, in a decent cabinet? Public utilities ought not be left naked like this.
It keeps functioning, TLC, until the ice gets so heavy that the lines fall down. Burying the lines would save the city considerable expense, but progress in that has been glacial. Glacial -- I see what I did there.
The Limbo Connection said:
John FitzGerald said:
Joe, Son of the Rock said:
John FitzGerald replied to Joe, Son of the Rock:
tiabunna said:
John FitzGerald replied to tiabunna:
Ulrich John said:
John FitzGerald replied to Ulrich John:
William Sutherland said:
John FitzGerald replied to William Sutherland:
Don Sutherland said:
John FitzGerald replied to Don Sutherland:
Roger Bennion said:
John FitzGerald replied to Roger Bennion:
William Sutherland said: