
Don‘t do it!

I did in teenager times in my homeland Minette South Luxembourg. And I‘m not proud about - a friend of mine got hurt very badly by a rock falling down, he lost 2 fingers!
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Jaap van 't Veen said:

Well spotted and captured.
Stay safe and healthy.
4 years ago

Eva Lewitus said:

The foolishnes of youth!
4 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Çà reste gravé..!
4 years ago ( translate )

Janet Brien said:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh....this is one of those places that attracts kids and curious adults who are not thinking about the possible danger seriously enough. I am terribly sorry to hear about your friend. :( That's such a horrible thing to have happened...sometimes we just don't know better and we are badly punished. :( Although I didn't have an accident like this, I used to be a runner and didn't know that I could hurt myself permanently by not allowing my body to rest...one day I ran my usual 3 miles like I did every day around my neighborhood that included running up a hill...when I got home my achilles tendons were very sore but the next day, I rode my bike a few miles down to the ocean and ran on the beach for 6 miles. When I got home my tendons were so sore I could hardly walk. They finally healed so that I can hike and ride my bike but I'll never run again. Any time I try to run any distance my tendons flare up and are sore for days. What a horrible shame...running was one of my most favorite things to do. 56 years old now and I had to stop when I was about 19 years old...I will regret my mistake for the rest of my life. :( BUT I do have my fingers. :( So sorry for your friend... :(
4 years ago

Ern Jacoby said:

Thank you Janet ! At that age we rarely think about the consequences . Sorry for you and the lack of courage and that running was over for you. Hope you enjoy nature by walking a lot around! Wish you a good day!
4 years ago

Janet Brien replied to Ern Jacoby:

Thank you Ern! :D

I have certainly made the most of my shortcomings--I may not be able to run anymore but I am an avid hiker, walker, cycler and mountain bike rider! The world is my oyster and life is a glass half full at the worst, so much to explore, see, and experience! :)
4 years ago

Christa1004 said:

Quand on est jeune, on est souvent inconscient et on se croit invulnérable. Terrible destin pour ton copain.
4 years ago ( translate )

Diane Putnam said:

Oh dear! Well, adolescence comes with crazy adventures. It is a time of invincibility - or so we think! Interesting shot, Ern.
4 years ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

OK I won't do it :)
4 years ago

Anton Cruz Carro said:

I'm sorry about your friend. Anyway, what was the purpose of that effort? Restless minds in adolescence. Best wishes, Anton.
4 years ago

Annemarie said:

happy to be back to your images
Happy weekend.
Stay safe stay healthy.
4 years ago ( translate )