
wk01-22 5068

Once upon a time not so long ago I could look out through our bedroom window across wooded farmland and beautiful sunrises. Now I look out of the same window and see this.
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Colin Ashcroft said:

This is a sad sight. I’m sorry for your loss.
3 years ago

Xata said:

Sad... what will be next? A building?
3 years ago

Sarah O' said:

OH NO!! Maurice, !!! I agree, what will go there...I already see what appears to be apartments or a Motel??? Sarah
3 years ago

HappySnapper replied to Sarah O':

On completion of the project Sarah 5000 new houses, this field and all the surrounding fields. What you see here is the machinery which is digging the new water supply system.
3 years ago

Keith Burton said:

Oh dear................but that's progress (supposedly)!

You've lost your view of the fields, but at least when the houses are finished it won't look as untidy!
3 years ago

Andy Rodker said:

The same thing happened outside my parents house in Cornwall. The locals set up a group to challenge it only to be told it was to be an old peoples complex. Needless to say, that drew the wind out of their sails! Now, ten years on, all is OK and you do get used to the loss of a view!
3 years ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

I hope they are nice houses at least Maurice. Always sad to lose a nice green view.
3 years ago

HappySnapper replied to Rosalyn Hilborne:

I took a walk around part of the completed estate last year before my op, no garages just communal carparks scattered here and there and the houses are so close together no room to park outside your house.
3 years ago

Reyk said:

Da kann man nur hoffen, das nach Fertigstellung der Anlage auch alles wieder ordentlich begrünt wird.
3 years ago ( translate )

TOZ said:

Sad Maurice but glad to see you back.
Have a good weekend
3 years ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Sad to say it's all the same over the country, we really must stop covering green fields in concrete otherwise flooding and climate change will become the norm much sooner.
3 years ago

Annemarie said:


Happy wednesday:)
3 years ago ( translate )

sea-herdorf said:

Immer mehr Flächen werden versiegelt und manchmal nehmen solche große Bauten einem das Gleichgewicht der Seele.
Wie ist es bei Dir? Geht es Dir ein wenig besser? Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin gute Genesung.
Schöne Grüße und ein angenehmes Wochenende
3 years ago ( translate )

Andrew Trundlewagon said:

I sympathize; when we moved into our house I could be in fields in two minutes. Now it is a car park for a housing development.
2 years ago

elvigiadelosamanecer… said:

Como va cambiando todo. Es muy triste. Que tengas buen día
21 months ago ( translate )