wk37-21 4720
Splish splash splosh.!! A little bit of pond maintenance required here...
I have news on Chemotherapy. I am now able to take in liquids by mouth albeit in small amounts without rejection, that is more than I could do a few weeks ago.
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Taken on Thursday September 16, 2021
Posted on Thursday September 16, 2021
- 131 visits
- 17 people like
Ronald Losure said:
Amelia said:
Stay positive.
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Happy weekend and stay well.
Colin Ashcroft said:
Annalia S. said:
Great news about the improvement! I imagine it is very helpful to be able to see progress, even if it comes in small steps. Treat yourself to some beverage you enjoy tasting!
Rosalyn Hilborne said:
All the best and wish you a good weekend.
Ulrich John said:
Keith Burton said:
Good news on the on the liquid front.................next stop - a pint of Guinness!
Roger (Grisly) said:
sea-herdorf said:
Freundliche Grüße und einen guten Abend
Marije Aguillo said:
raingirl said: