Danke Volker, Ja ich wusste von der Gruppe-
Aber diese Fotografie ist eine von einer Serie über zwei Rosen, eine weiss und die andere rot. :Shnei Shoshanim (Zwei Rosen) Hier das Gedicht, übersetzt aus dem Hebräischem;
Two Roses
I'll sing you an ancient song,
I'll sing you a tune about a rose
A song from way back when
two roses, two roses.
It was long ago that day,
one was white, the other red.
Children of one garden, like two brothers,
grew leaves, grew thorns.
The time came, the morning a pale shade
the white opened its eyes,
the evening came and the day went down
the red one closed its eyes.
And in the nights, in the nights
winds blew in them slightly.
How they sprouted until a hand came
the hand that picked one rose,
and it isn't known until today -
the white or the red.
All that's known's that the remaining one
its heart is broken, its heart is broken.
A song from way back when
two roses, two roses.
It was long ago that day,
one was white, the other red.
Und hier das Lied: youtu.be/mcsfgK5yEHk?si=jlPmBGiu7fnKNp_A
Günter Klaus said:
Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,liebe Grüße Güni :))
Eva Lewitus replied to Günter Klaus:
Annemarie said:
Günter Klaus replied to Eva Lewitus:
Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,liebe Grüße Güni :))
Eva Lewitus said:
volker_hmbg said:
Eva Lewitus replied to volker_hmbg:
Aber diese Fotografie ist eine von einer Serie über zwei Rosen, eine weiss und die andere rot. :Shnei Shoshanim (Zwei Rosen) Hier das Gedicht, übersetzt aus dem Hebräischem;
Two Roses
I'll sing you an ancient song,
I'll sing you a tune about a rose
A song from way back when
two roses, two roses.
It was long ago that day,
one was white, the other red.
Children of one garden, like two brothers,
grew leaves, grew thorns.
The time came, the morning a pale shade
the white opened its eyes,
the evening came and the day went down
the red one closed its eyes.
And in the nights, in the nights
winds blew in them slightly.
How they sprouted until a hand came
the hand that picked one rose,
and it isn't known until today -
the white or the red.
All that's known's that the remaining one
its heart is broken, its heart is broken.
A song from way back when
two roses, two roses.
It was long ago that day,
one was white, the other red.
Und hier das Lied:
Don Sutherland said:
Eva Lewitus replied to Don Sutherland:
Boarischa Krautmo said:
Eva Lewitus replied to Boarischa Krautmo:
֎ — Nicolas Mertens said:
Eva Lewitus replied to ֎ — Nicolas Mertens:
Makrofan said:
Eva Lewitus replied to Makrofan: