Redlands Arrow / University (# 1518)
The new Redlands Metrolink Arrow service at the University station that’s on the edge of the University of Redlands. The new service started on 10/24/2022, just 5 days before this photo was taken. \n\nThe University station is on the east end of the line and probably would not be busy on weekends (this was a Saturday).
About 8 passengers got off when the train pulled in, and the ones that I spoke to were all riding it just to check out the service. I use Metrolink to go into LA some times and, since this station is the closest to the freeway and to Palm Springs, I expect to be using it fairly often in the future.
For more details about the service and trains, click on the Arrow tag for all photos.
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Taken on Saturday October 29, 2022
Posted on Sunday November 20, 2022
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