
Algodones Dunes / sand-blasting / Thanksgiving 2020 (# 0609)

A little grit with your turkey gravy? The wind was fairly high at the overlook parking lot, I’d guess everything was coated in sand (I was, after about 45 minutes of picture taking).
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slgwv said:

Are we having fun yet? ;)
4 years ago

aNNa schramm said:

hahahah, but they are in the nature :))
3 years ago

GrahamH said:

My wife and I were driving back from interstate (A 2.5 day journey) when we stopped for lunch at a roadside rest area in a lovely bushy location. While eating a campervan of similar size to these caravans pulled in also. There were other table & chairs available but they never got out of the vehicle. We could see they were eating but they missed the fresh air, the birds calling etc. We wondered why they do that...
3 years ago

slgwv replied to GrahamH:

Gotta get to their Destination! ;)
2 years ago