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Dang! Now I nearly didn't have the courage to log in at all... sooo sorry! It's such a wonderful place here, only that photography has to stand back in the line of my priorities for a while - a lot of other exciting things happening in my life though :-)

But at least a few words... I'm taking off again tomorrow and will be back again on Jan 1st only: Thank you for all your visits, stars and kind words! And wishing you in return some great and relaxing days "in between" until New Year's Eve and afterwards a successful and healthy new year!
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Ur@nos said:

Ich freue mich wieder einmal von Dir zu sehen.

LG Horst
9 years ago ( translate )

DieWaldlaeuferin replied to Ur@nos:

Aber hallo Du :-) Da warst Du ja schneller als ich mit formulieren des Begleittextes :-) Aber danke!

Soll gelten, alles alles Liebe! Und siehe auch die Notiz ;-)

Und fürs nächste Jahr nehme ich mir wieder viele gute Iper-Vorsätze :-)
9 years ago ( translate )

christel.k said:

Liebe Cornelia, ich hoffe, Du bringst viele Bilder aus Deiner Ipernity-Auszeit mit, freue mich darauf, und wünsche Dir alles Gute und liebe Grüße!
9 years ago ( translate )

Bernhard Hofbeck said:

Ich werde diesen Anker versuchen zu nutzen!
9 years ago ( translate )

DieWaldlaeuferin replied to Bernhard Hofbeck:

Einen sicheren Anker dabei zu haben ist nie verkehrt - aber vor allem auch immer freie Fahrt wünsche ich Dir! :-)
9 years ago ( translate )

DieWaldlaeuferin said:

Again, thank you all... and sorry, that I keep this in english:

I'm still doing and loving my job... but in addition I'm slowly starting my own "business" now by starting to work with traumatized people. To be honest, it actually feels *exactly* like the famous jump into cold water... and sometimes I'm still freaking out (a little bit) over my own courage but... what would life be without an adventure or two from time to time? Since the mid of november I am a fully trained and proud SE-Practitioner :-) Having had a few traumatizing issues myself some years back this education over the last 3 years was also a journey to myself and liveliness again. And it feels sooo good!

So among other things I'm busy working on my website which ... ahem, probably turns out to be a little more "photographic" than is usual for Trauma Healing. But I have to do it *my* way, and my way only... we'll see! Hope to be ready to post it here soon :-)

For those who like to know more: Somatic Experiencing is such a wonderful thing... and more than worth it. An introduction to the work of Peter Levine can be found here.

The learning of "seeing" (with the eye and other senses) will stay on my list for the rest of my life, and so does photography. It's all just a matter of time and setting priorities but I really hope to spare a moment or two in the year to come, once a week or at least a month!, for this creative side of me.

A HAPPY New Year to all of us and see you soon!
9 years ago

Sylvain Wiart said:

Tous mes voeux pour 2016 !
9 years ago ( translate )