
Eastern Counties VR225 (BVG 225T) in Bury St. Edmunds – 21 Jul 1984 (X842-F)

A work colleague was selling a 35mm SLR camera and gave me a try and buy option. This would have been my first camera of such type but it was faulty so I didn’t purchase it. The shutter didn’t always fully open resulting in some frames having a dark area on the left of the print. Some images were clearer on the left and less clear on the right. Also, my lack of experience with such a style of camera didn’t help! Despite all this the photos do have a historical interest forty odd years later!

Saturday 21 July 1984 – Eastern Counties Omnibus Company Limited VR225 (BVG 225T), an Eastern Coachworks bodied Bristol VR new in October 1978, is seen leaving the old bus station in Bury St. Edmunds bound for Lakenheath on service 976.

The bus station was on the corner of Brentgovel Street and Cornhill where the MacDonald’s restaurant was subsequently built. The side wall of Moyse’s Hall Museum stands behind the bus.
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