
Eastern Counties VR155, RL513 & VR163 at Bury St. Edmunds – 21 Jul 1984 (X842-D)

A work colleague was selling a 35mm SLR camera and gave me a try and buy option. This would have been my first camera of such type but it was faulty so I didn’t purchase it. The shutter didn’t always fully open resulting in some frames having a dark area on the left of the print. Some images were clearer on the left and less clear on the right. Also, my lack of experience with such a style of camera didn’t help! Despite all this the photos do have a historical interest forty odd years later!

Saturday 21 July 1984 – A scene in the old Eastern Counties Omnibus Company Limited bus station in Bury St. Edmunds which was on the corner of Brentgovel Street and Cornhill where the MacDonald’s restaurant and another retail shop (24-26 Cornill occupied by ‘Game’ as I write in early 2025) were subsequently built. The scaffolding in the background is alongside what was then the visible edge of what became the Adnams Brewery shop (43a Cornhill).

In this photograph Bristol VR double deckers VR155 and VR163 flank Bristol RE single decker RL513 which will soon be departing with homeward bound shoppers. These buses all have Eastern Coachworks bodywork.
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Herb Riddle said:

Incredible to believe we are still looking looking at our 40 year old snaps David. In the day we would have thought the technical merit of this photo was wonderful. How things have changed!
The kind of busses I remember here. Thanks for sharing.

Cheers. Herb
7 days ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Fascinating image, and busses I remember, David, I have many from this era just need the time to get them sorted,
7 days ago

tiabunna said:

Interesting old images, David.
6 days ago ( translate )