
19th Century Man Trap - which fortunately I did not step on!

19th century man traps were mechanical devices used to catch trespassers, poachers, and thieves. They were often made of cast iron or wrought iron.
How they worked
The trap was hidden in long grass or concealed in an orchard or woodland
When someone stood on the trap's plate, the spring would release and the toothed jaws would close on the victim's leg
The injuries could range from cuts to bone fractures
Why they were used
Landowners used man traps to catch people who trespassed on their land
The use of man traps increased in the 19th century due to rising poverty and poaching
Why they were outlawed
In 1827, man traps with teeth were made illegal in England
They were considered inhumane and barbaric
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Steve Bucknell said:

I’d combine them with a burglar alarm. I removed one of these from my neighbours garage last year.
11 days ago

William Sutherland said:

Excellent capture!
11 days ago ( translate )