

Challenge #542 - Anything to do with father's day.

I took a picture of the old photograph which shows my father, me & my mother not long before we left for America.

The pipe belonged to my father, but not sure if hit used to be his fathers or grandfathers. No one left to ask. I know I don't remember him smoking it.
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Malik Raoulda said:

.Un superbe et beau challenge et un superbe rendu commémoratif.
Bonne et agréable soirée.
2 years ago ( translate )

Clickity Click replied to Malik Raoulda:

Thank you Malik. Hope your evening goes well also. Take good care. Good week ahead for you!
1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukrain
2 years ago

Gillian Everett said:

Amazing pipe, lovely photo, and closing :-)
2 years ago

Clickity Click replied to Gillian Everett:

Yes the pipe is really something, glad you like the way the image turned out!
1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukrain
2 years ago