

TSC: #541 - Something in your home that defines who/what you are.

When first reading the challenge my first thought was: "I'm still a work in progress!" Tried different ideas but finally decided that my white sunglasses do help define me as I've worn white sunglasses for ever! The little frog is an example of a whimsical trait of mine, no not kissing Princes, but rather a whimsical sense of humor.
1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
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Malik Raoulda said:

C'est génial et c'est personnalisée.
Bonne et agréable semaine.
2 years ago ( translate )

Clickity Click replied to Malik Raoulda:

Thank you Malik! You are encouraging in your comments!

1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago ( translate )

PhLB - Luc Boonen said:

I first meant to see a moviestar, but Chris, it is really you! I like the twist with the frog. If you think thats erraneous you should see JP and me....
2 years ago

Clickity Click replied to PhLB - Luc Boonen:

Funny you would think of "movie star", a long time ago when I decided that I loved wearing white sunglasses, a few of my friends starting teasing me calling me: "Hollywood". lol I'm as far as you can get from being a movie star!!! I did see JP and your pictures this week, just having fun and that's what is important isn't it?

1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago

Gillian Everett said:

Love the white sunnies, and always good to have a whimsical sense of humour!!
2 years ago

Clickity Click replied to Gillian Everett:

:) Thank you Gillian, a pair of white sunnies has become my trademark in a manner of speaking, glad you like them. Life would be so depressing without a sense of humor. ")

1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago

Wierd Folkersma said:

wonderful idea, the white glasses fit you..
2 years ago

Clickity Click replied to Wierd Folkersma:

:) thank you Wierd. I do enjoy them!

1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago

Jean Pierre Marcello said:

Un peu d’humour, la mise en valeur de sa personnalité, belles idées pour la challenge. J’apprécie beaucoup.
2 years ago ( translate )

Clickity Click replied to Jean Pierre Marcello:

Thank you JP, I think life without a sense of humor would be rather dull for me! :)
Stay Positive & Take Care of Yourself.

1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago

Xata said:

Two positive points Chris ! Appreciated
2 years ago ( translate )

Clickity Click replied to Xata:

:) Thank you Isabel. Charlie & I have a quote posted that reads: "Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves for we shall never cease to be amused"!

1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago

PhLB - Luc Boonen replied to Clickity Click:

Talking about movies, we grew up with "always look at the bright side of life".
But, they never promised it would be easy.
2 years ago

Clickity Click replied to PhLB - Luc Boonen:

Yes there will be times when life may become difficult, and looking on the bright side is always good advice and while there are no guarantees that it will be easy. You can always ask yourself: What do I want? Is what I am doing getting me what I want and if not, what can I do or change to get what I want? Charlie and I have used this on many occasions. :) Sometime for me it becomes difficult when I have to "let go" of something that is causing part of the problem. .
1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago